Have you set goals for new year 2002? We all need a new better life. Forget all uncertainties in the last 2 years and the unwanted Covid-19 virus. Let’s think of the new life for the incoming year 2002. What is your dream life? A good job with friendly colleagues ✔️ Live in an amazingRead More…
Are you interested in how other pioneers behave in the Balance Quests? Due to the general privacy policy and different types of app accounts that users decide to stay, we are all sure that NO ONE knows how a particular pioneer performs on the quest toward life balance. Instead, Life Balance app will try to inform someRead More…
“Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world,” said Archimedes – an ancient philosopher and versatile scientist. Such maxim revealed the inevitable role of equilibrium in physics, and life is not different from physics. In fact, the road to success seems far without life balance. Today I got a new virtualRead More…

To celebrate Thanksgiving, the Work-Life Balance app takes the chance to highlight a significant but underestimated life area: Contribution to Society. By the above statement, the app does not mean people ignore contributions to society. Many of us make contributions regularly during daily work and busy life but don’t even remember. Meanwhile, some have not yet realizedRead More…

Is there an easy way to improve my life quickly? It is probably the first question you ask yourself when life hits you hard and push you to an unbalanced momentum. Fortunately, the answer can be YES. Sleep sufficiently tonight, and don’t forget to record your sleep in the morning via Sleep Pattern in the Work-LifeRead More…